10th Anniversary of Kolo: Women’s Cross-Cultural Collaboration

Women International Month
March 2010, Bosnia

The decade of the Kolo trauma healing methods sponsors acts that are performed daily but taken into the ritual practice heightens matriarchal nurturing. Oral memory traditions is a ritual science.  Bioculinary practices provide the experiential depth via agriculture, foraging thus are bioculinary with a nutrigenomics structure. The Ahmica house offered Bosnian coffee and sweets baked by hand to the Conference speakers after the presenting at the Ahmica memorial center.  Such ritual practice in female social collectives heal trauma and forge communal communities

10th anniversary of the Kolo Trauma format’s core are matriarchal practices fostering nurturing and healing the transgenerational trauma wounds from a century of wars. The drinking of coffee like the dancing of the kolo are a link to the votive assemblage of sanctuary fostering harmony and peace.