Kolo Self Informed Trauma Care involves female social collective, the creators of culture with corresponding oral memory traditions, a ritual science. According to many of the women elders [wise women] I worked with across the globe report dreams are the best therapists for healing PTSD. In my kolo trauma care, dreams and cup readings with Bosnian women war crimes and war survivors are cited as the source of tacit knowledge.

Bosnian Cup Readings, Artist: Erin Hilleary

Biosemiotics state tacit knowledge is the” biology of perception” where epigenetic (we shape our environment and the environment shapes our DNA) inheritance via feelings states and experience.

Auschwitz death camp survivor – David Olère

In 2010, I was in Haiti six days after the earthquake, with an international trauma response team with the Jamaican. Digicel the largest employer of Haitians employed my kolo trauma care during the day and in the afternoons I was among the Haitian survivors. One Digicel employee spoke up in the group stating, he had just saw the movie earthquake and thought this was a dream, the movie asking me to please wake him up. While others in the group smirked and thought this man was nuts, I understood his dream and movie was his source of healing. Years later, the digicell employee is doing well and promoted many times. However, in his group of 9 male employees he is the only one still employed. 4 are deceased and 3 have according to his input are dealing with serious drug abuse issues.