International Kolo Informed Trauma Care Protocol Response
2000 – Present: Train-the-Trainers Certified Practitioners
- Program for groups, organizations, and communities to grow their resiliency capacities for both trauma prevention and response
2000 – Present: Kolo Self Trauma Care Training and Intensified Learning
- Aftermath of War Bioculinary & Agriculture Women
2019: Research and Data Collection on the Balkan Western Route BiHac & Uno River project
- Syrian refugees on the Balkan-Western route, the same route Bosnian Muslim refugees travel to flee to Syria
2016 -’18: Refugee Temporary Housing from Bosnian Women War Crimes & War Survivors to Afghan and/or Syrian child-led or women-as-head of family
2000 – ’08: Embroidery for Re-Memory in Bosnia
- The Kolo: WCCC gifted embroidery thread and yarn for the Bosnian women to create with and then gift, sell and/or trade with, as they deemed.
1999-2004: Bi-Annual Human Rights and Informed Trauma Care Conference in Novi Travnik and Neum
- We funded and hosted bi-annual human rights and trauma-informed care conferences in both Novi Travnik and Neum, Bosnia, with scholarships granted to young women
South Asia
Sri Lankan Kolo Train-the-Trainers,Intensified Learning (IL) and Kolo Trauma Response protocol –
- Legacy Outcome: Kolo Trauma Response protocol used by Doctors without Borders in Himalayan earthquake
Sub-Sahara Africa
2006 – ’10: Seeds: Women to Women, a Kolo circle from Bosnia, Sri Lanka, India, U.S. to Uganda and Congo
- The Kolo: WCCC funded seed sharing program from women in Bosnia, Sri Lanka, India and US to women in Uganda and Congo (ongoing)
2008: Kolo Trauma Train-the-Trainer Protocol
- Northern UgandaLuwero Triangle Genocide Region, engendering at the local level
2007 – ’08: Water to Combat Sexual Violence: Water Well in Darfur, Sudan
- The water crisis in Darfur directed The Kolo: WCCC to use supporter donations to facilitate a water-well closer to the camps in order to lower frequency of rapes.
2007: Texting to Inform, Intensify, and Inspire in Uganda
- Objective: Project to Transform and Evolve Social Relations between Men and Women
- Who: In small hamlets of refugees in the bush, 15 to 30 people, who by luck of chance had a single cell phone they received from the United Nations.
- What: The Kolo: WCCC facilitated a social relations program to transform the gender relations between men and women by texting three short lines a week, followed-up by visiting them after 3 weeks (it was hard to get there). The program was great success, resulting in collective social activation
- Outcome: Collectively rewrote creed for the village with the women
2014: The Kolo: WCCC facilitated providing solar computers to the only female high school in Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Caribbean Islands
2010: Haiti Earthquake, Trauma Response & Kolo Self Trauma Care Protocol Training for survivors